It's not really true of most health care though. Most major health care is improved by people having to do volumes (practice makes perfect). It's probably not true of general practice where it's useful to have someone spend enough time to do a proper assessment, but once you get to specialist level they usually have to do the volume to stay at the top of the game.Puja wrote:It always will be denuded though. Spending public money for everyone is unpopular, whereas spending money to get your own kids the best is the opposite, so the private sector will always be better funded and better quality. Add to this the fact that none of the decision-makers on how much to fund the public option will have themselves or their kids in the public option and it gets even worse.Banquo wrote:you missed what I said about quality then. I`m saying I am happy to pay twice, as I do, provided free at point of need is not denuded ie not about survival rate. I have also paid twice during my kids education up to uni. Lucky me you might say- though not inherited. Scoff away.Puja wrote:
Are you endorsing the current two tier system of private and NHS or just that companies hiring people over £X per year need to pay in extra for those people. Cause the latter I'd be intrigued by, but the former is a problem. It's the same as with private schools - the best personnel will be hunted by the fee-paying sector, denuding the national service, and creating a two tier system where paying more gets you better quality in something which should be a universal right. And, funnily enough, almost all of the decision-makers and people with influence in the country have enough money to be signed up to the fee-paying option, so if the national service goes to the dogs, it doesn't have the slightest effect on them or their loved ones.
Tl;dr - I am uncomfortable with survival rate in healthcare depending on how rich you are/your parents were.
BY FAR the most efficient way of delivering health care is the NHS but it needs to be national. That's not to say that local managers shouldn't be able to make some purchasing decisions or have a shift of focus, but for example, having various trust compete with each other to buy PPE is fucking stupid.