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Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:32 am
by Mellsblue
Banquo wrote:Gloves off today....
Cunning tactic to get the Conservative 40% to vote Lab and Lab 30% to vote Conservative. Genius.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:43 am
by Banquo
Mellsblue wrote:
Banquo wrote:Gloves off today....
Cunning tactic to get the Conservative 40% to vote Lab and Lab 30% to vote Conservative. Genius.
Do you mean Sturgeon or the US takes over the NHS kerfuffle...

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:48 am
by Mellsblue
Banquo wrote:
Mellsblue wrote:
Banquo wrote:Gloves off today....
Cunning tactic to get the Conservative 40% to vote Lab and Lab 30% to vote Conservative. Genius.
Do you mean Sturgeon or the US takes over the NHS kerfuffle...
I predominantly vote Con as I don’t like high levels of borrowing and wouldn’t vote Corbyn for the same reason. Twas a flippant comment that, based on that chart, me and those who think similarly should vote Lab...

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:53 am
by Banquo
Mellsblue wrote:
Banquo wrote:
Mellsblue wrote: Cunning tactic to get the Conservative 40% to vote Lab and Lab 30% to vote Conservative. Genius.
Do you mean Sturgeon or the US takes over the NHS kerfuffle...
I predominantly vote Con as I don’t like high levels of borrowing and wouldn’t vote Corbyn for the same reason. Twas a flippant comment that, based on that chart, me and those who think similarly should vote Lab...
Oh, my gloves off comment was referring to the Labour press conference, apols.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:47 pm
by Mellsblue
Banquo wrote:
Mellsblue wrote:
Banquo wrote: Do you mean Sturgeon or the US takes over the NHS kerfuffle...
I predominantly vote Con as I don’t like high levels of borrowing and wouldn’t vote Corbyn for the same reason. Twas a flippant comment that, based on that chart, me and those who think similarly should vote Lab...
Oh, my gloves off comment was referring to the Labour press conference, apols.
Feel free to elaborate....

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:11 pm
by Stom
Mellsblue wrote:
Banquo wrote:
Mellsblue wrote: I predominantly vote Con as I don’t like high levels of borrowing and wouldn’t vote Corbyn for the same reason. Twas a flippant comment that, based on that chart, me and those who think similarly should vote Lab...
Oh, my gloves off comment was referring to the Labour press conference, apols.
Feel free to elaborate....
The damning report into Uk-us trade negotiations.

It doesn’t look good for anyone living in the Uk

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:27 pm
by Mellsblue
From what I’ve read - not ‘Tory’ papers but Guardian and Independent - in 10 mins, the documents show that the US want the NHS to be on the table - just as the UK wanted frictionless trade with the EU without being in the Customs Union - and the papers pre-date Boris’s govt. Nothing new - the US have already said they want the NHS on the table - and no proof a Conservative govt would agree to put the NHS on the table.

If the boot were on the other foot, those on the left would saying this is a storm in the teacup to distract from the fallout of a bad day yesterday.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 1:45 pm
by Stom
Mellsblue wrote:From what I’ve read - not ‘Tory’ papers but Guardian and Independent - in 10 mins, the documents show that the US want the NHS to be on the table - just as the UK wanted frictionless trade with the EU without being in the Customs Union - and the papers pre-date Boris’s govt. Nothing new - the US have already said they want the NHS on the table - and no proof a Conservative govt would agree to put the NHS on the table.

If the boot were on the other foot, those on the left would saying this is a storm in the teacup to distract from the fallout of a bad day yesterday.
I’ll wait for an independent, expert review rather than go on the granuaid. My initial look only confirmed my own fears, so isn’t a fair report

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 2:34 pm
by Zhivago
Digby wrote:
Sandydragon wrote:The stat for 'Years in Office prior to Global Financial Crash' is a bit harsh and misleading. Labour had been in office for 10 years before that happened, plenty of time to overturn Conservative policies from previous administrations if they were that bad.

Otherwise, I don't disagree that the differences between the parties on financial competence aren't as marked as one might suggest, at least when they have formed governments. Those figures may have been very different if Michael Foot had won a GE, or if Corbyn had won last time round. The Blair and Brown Labour governments worked hard to be fiscally responsible and to be perceived as such. It's one of the reasons why they won such a long term in office. And austerity was never as austere as its critics liked to make out.
The global crash wasn't really a left/right issue. We had Labour in charge here, it was the Republicans in charge in the USA. Everyone missed just how big the bubble was and how quickly the problem would unravel. I'd have some sympathy with the Tories looking to paint Labour in a bad light over the crash if they'd been warning about problems in the finance markets and bringing bills forward to try and avert the problems they foresaw.

Though I'd also think Vs the Labour government under Blair and Brown the current Labour leadership is much more gungho when it comes to borrowing and spending, so judging Corbyn by previous standards is likely misleading. Mind I also think the Tories fiscal policy unsound and dangerous, just not quite as dangerous
Borrowing costs historic low. We should be borrowing to invest in things that will drive future growth, such as education and infrastructure.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 3:00 pm
by Digby
Rumour is Brave Boris will not fall foul of a similar car crash interview with Neil as did Corbyn by dint of refusing to be interviewed by Neil, though it's understood CCHQ are trying to line up a real grilling with Boris being questioned by Des O'Connor

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 3:50 pm
by Banquo
Stom wrote:
Mellsblue wrote:From what I’ve read - not ‘Tory’ papers but Guardian and Independent - in 10 mins, the documents show that the US want the NHS to be on the table - just as the UK wanted frictionless trade with the EU without being in the Customs Union - and the papers pre-date Boris’s govt. Nothing new - the US have already said they want the NHS on the table - and no proof a Conservative govt would agree to put the NHS on the table.

If the boot were on the other foot, those on the left would saying this is a storm in the teacup to distract from the fallout of a bad day yesterday.
I’ll wait for an independent, expert review rather than go on the granuaid. My initial look only confirmed my own fears, so isn’t a fair report
Where do you think that will come from?? :lol:

MInd, you assured us that the grauniad was independent!

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 4:13 pm
by Mellsblue
Banquo wrote:
Stom wrote:
Mellsblue wrote:From what I’ve read - not ‘Tory’ papers but Guardian and Independent - in 10 mins, the documents show that the US want the NHS to be on the table - just as the UK wanted frictionless trade with the EU without being in the Customs Union - and the papers pre-date Boris’s govt. Nothing new - the US have already said they want the NHS on the table - and no proof a Conservative govt would agree to put the NHS on the table.

If the boot were on the other foot, those on the left would saying this is a storm in the teacup to distract from the fallout of a bad day yesterday.
I’ll wait for an independent, expert review rather than go on the granuaid. My initial look only confirmed my own fears, so isn’t a fair report
Where do you think that will come from?? :lol:

MInd, you assured us that the grauniad was independent!
Ha! Yes, I remember that now. It must only be independent when it tells you what you want hear/read.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 4:13 pm
by Stom
Banquo wrote:
Stom wrote:
Mellsblue wrote:From what I’ve read - not ‘Tory’ papers but Guardian and Independent - in 10 mins, the documents show that the US want the NHS to be on the table - just as the UK wanted frictionless trade with the EU without being in the Customs Union - and the papers pre-date Boris’s govt. Nothing new - the US have already said they want the NHS on the table - and no proof a Conservative govt would agree to put the NHS on the table.

If the boot were on the other foot, those on the left would saying this is a storm in the teacup to distract from the fallout of a bad day yesterday.
I’ll wait for an independent, expert review rather than go on the granuaid. My initial look only confirmed my own fears, so isn’t a fair report
Where do you think that will come from?? :lol:

MInd, you assured us that the grauniad was independent!
Sorry, wasn't clear :p

They didn't review it, they just reported it and someone gave their opinion. No experts had been consulted and the main gist was by one of the Guardian's worst "journalists".

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 4:15 pm
by Stom
Mellsblue wrote:
Banquo wrote:
Stom wrote:
I’ll wait for an independent, expert review rather than go on the granuaid. My initial look only confirmed my own fears, so isn’t a fair report
Where do you think that will come from?? :lol:

MInd, you assured us that the grauniad was independent!
Ha! Yes, I remember that now. It must only be independent when it tells you what you want hear/read.
No, I was saying it told me what I wanted to hear a bit too much, so I assumed it wasn't completely fair. So I'll come back later when they have a proper report up.

And the only reason I use the Guardian is because the Indy is a bitch to read online and I don't live in the UK to read an actual paper...

Plus, I'm used to the layout, which always helps.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 5:10 pm
by Digby
The Guardian online has some decent stories, though I do wish they'd stop asking for money (and I have given them some money). The Mirror has (they think) some big story breaking tomorrow on the NHS and some papers they've gotten their hands on, I assume relating to the Tories having done a deal with Trump.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 5:57 pm
by Mellsblue
Zhivago wrote:
Borrowing costs historic low.
Until they’re not.
Markets tend not to like lending to heavily indebted govts with a history of renationalising sectors. Even if Labour do keep the international markets on side, it only takes a crisis not of your making to send all your plans up in smoke. Ask Brown. He’d ended boom and bust until he hadn’t.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 7:32 am
by Sandydragon
And of course a swath of nationalisation would scare off any investor.

According to latest piling though, Boris is on course to gain a lot of seats with Labour set to almost hit Foots mediocrity. A lot of the seats that are expected to turn blue are marginal so it’s possible that a closing in the polls will see that majority drop, but either Boris and his team need to screw up or Labour need to find some competence.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 7:38 am
by Sandydragon
Digby wrote:The Guardian online has some decent stories, though I do wish they'd stop asking for money (and I have given them some money). The Mirror has (they think) some big story breaking tomorrow on the NHS and some papers they've gotten their hands on, I assume relating to the Tories having done a deal with Trump.
Probably. Corbyn was launching that yesterday and apparently has documents to prove it. If true (and frankly who knows) it could be a real argument for Corbyn to deploy.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 7:49 am
by Digby
Sandydragon wrote:
Digby wrote:The Guardian online has some decent stories, though I do wish they'd stop asking for money (and I have given them some money). The Mirror has (they think) some big story breaking tomorrow on the NHS and some papers they've gotten their hands on, I assume relating to the Tories having done a deal with Trump.
Probably. Corbyn was launching that yesterday and apparently has documents to prove it. If true (and frankly who knows) it could be a real argument for Corbyn to deploy.
Sounds like Corbyn is overplaying what he has, and too it sounds like they're going to go with more of a Eurosceptic theme as they're worried about Labour leave voters, how many of those they can add without losing remainers to the Lib Dems I don't know, possibly a fair way given the Lid Dems have gone for a full on socks and sandals approach.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 7:50 am
by Sandydragon
So apparently Labour is now focusing on leave voters to close the gap.

Still their Brexit strategy is unclear. Corbyn just isn’t competent.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:18 am
by Banquo
Sandydragon wrote:So apparently Labour is now focusing on leave voters to close the gap.

Still their Brexit strategy is unclear. Corbyn just isn’t competent.
They seem to be going down the Kinnock route of 'votes, votes, lovely votes' if anyone remembers that! Promise anything that might attract a big chunk of votes and hope no-one questions the feasibility.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 9:10 am
by Banquo
Digby wrote:
Sandydragon wrote:
Digby wrote:The Guardian online has some decent stories, though I do wish they'd stop asking for money (and I have given them some money). The Mirror has (they think) some big story breaking tomorrow on the NHS and some papers they've gotten their hands on, I assume relating to the Tories having done a deal with Trump.
Probably. Corbyn was launching that yesterday and apparently has documents to prove it. If true (and frankly who knows) it could be a real argument for Corbyn to deploy.
Sounds like Corbyn is overplaying what he has, and too it sounds like they're going to go with more of a Eurosceptic theme as they're worried about Labour leave voters, how many of those they can add without losing remainers to the Lib Dems I don't know, possibly a fair way given the Lid Dems have gone for a full on socks and sandals approach.
Libdems now muttering about a second referendum.....

On the Corbyn 'big reveal'....depends how you want to interpret trade talks I suppose.

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 10:54 am
by Son of Mathonwy
Sandydragon wrote:So apparently Labour is now focusing on leave voters to close the gap.

Still their Brexit strategy is unclear. Corbyn just isn’t competent.
Unclear how?

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 10:56 am
by Mikey Brown
Yeah, surely if there are Brexiteers on the left and Corbyn wants to offer a referendum with a better deal than Johnson it's a sensible move?

Re: Snap General Election called

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 11:12 am
by Stom
Mikey Brown wrote:Yeah, surely if there are Brexiteers on the left and Corbyn wants to offer a referendum with a better deal than Johnson it's a sensible move?
Not when they’ve been fed lies by the Mail for a decade.