Coco wrote:Why arent any of you talking about Hunter Bidens laptop?
For a start, this isn't Breitbart, OAN and/or Fox News forums.
Btw, where/what is the smoking gun with the laptop?
Just read tonight that Giuliani has filed a complaint with a police force regarding images relating to images found on Hunter's laptop that concern underage sexual exploitation.
I've no idea if the claims are true. Let me be clearer...I've no idea if the story about Giuliani filing a report of that nature is true.
What I do know, and this is something that is consistent with certain right-wing/pro-Trump support is that they tend to use the pedo card with alarming regularitry.
Pizza-gate and pizza-gate 2, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Biden(s)...the list is almost endless. Anyone with political or celebrity status that opposes Trump is accused of being part of this unholy cult. I say unholy, but it's not as if any Christian faiths have ever been involved with any of that shit is it? Social media is constantly buzzing about arrest warrants on these people, but nothing happens, but people are still buying into it.
Also, what I do know is that Giuliani was made to look like a twat (hard to imagine I know) in an upcoming film.
But yeah, what about Hunter?